
En tant qu’entreprise numérique, XADIA assiste ses clients dans la conception, le développement, l’hébergement et la maintenance d’outils personnalisés adaptés aux besoins des utilisateurs. Les principaux accomplissements de XADIA incluent des extranets spécifiques, des applications full web, des applications pour smartphones, des outils collaboratifs, la gestion de bases de données et la manipulation de données. XADIA’s clients are small and medium-sized businesses and institutions (departments, regions, etc.). The tools are developed with the Agile method and in continuous delivery. The customer can therefore use the first modules quickly, and refine them as the project develops. A test space is available to test all the developments in progress. Following validation, the developments are integrated into the current version, facilitating the appropriation of the solution. Simplicity, ergonomics and security are the key words of XADIA applications.
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Nos Services

Quel(s) service(s) offrons-nous ?


Web Hosting


Digital Transformation

Dans quel(s) data center(s) sommes-nous disponibles ? 
